Industrial metal protections are barriers, bollards, guards and defenses, designed to protect the integrity of structural elements, goods, machinery and people against scratches or shocks. They also have the function of delimiting work areas, aisles and traffic routes. They form highly visible physical barriers. They are widely used due to their high capacity to prevent and reduce the cost of the impacts that can be caused in any logistic and/or industrial operating center. Industrial metal protections are the most economical option for the protection of structural elements, goods, machinery and people. However, their use and application must be analyzed, because when an intensive use of the protection is foreseen, it is usually advisable to make a greater investment to install flexible protections (link to flexible protections), due to their lower maintenance cost. At Safeway360 we advise and guide you in the choice of the most suitable protections for each case. Helping to optimize the cost of the investment, while we consider the optimization of your resources, minimizing corrective and maintenance interventions. At the same time, we offer you our installation and maintenance services for the correct preservation of your installations. Safeway 360 has a wide range of solutions to protect your installations, from all types of standard metallic protections, to padded protections and flexible polymeric protections. We even manufacture custom-made protections in our workshops when required.