Work at Height Regulations: Industrial Safety

equipamiento básico para trabajar en alturas
Picture of Marc Rodríguez
Marc Rodríguez

Customer and project manager at Safeway360 and Obres i Construccions Celrà

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In our industry, a daily challenge is to protect workers, especially those who work at heights, as these involve a large number of occupational injuries.
The extensive legislative literature regulating work at heights aims to prevent accidents and save lives. But what do these regulations entail and how can you apply them effectively in your work environment?

What is considered work at height according to the regulations?

Work at height regulations define this type of work as tasks performed at a height of more than 2 meters above ground level, where there is a risk of a fall that could cause serious or fatal injuries. The regulations apply to various industrial activities, including construction, infrastructure maintenance, building cleaning, among others.

What are the hazards involved in working at heights?

We are mainly talking about risks of falling persons or objects. These risks are due to:

  • Lack of staff training.
  • Deficiency in equipment maintenance.
  • Misuse of personal protective equipment.
  • Lack of planning in executing the task.
  • Lack of auxiliary equipment to carry tools or material for the task.
  • Other factors such as loss of balance, weather conditions, etc.

Accident prevention measures for work at heights

It should be noted that, according to Law 31/1995 on Occupational Risk Prevention, collective protection must take priority over individual protection (PPE). This regulation establishes a mandatory preventive action protocol:

  • Whenever possible, the risk should be eliminated or minimized at its source. To carry out this task, a risk assessment must be made, the work to be performed must be planned and workers must be adequately trained on safety at heights.
  • If it is not feasible to completely eliminate the risk, collective protection measures must be implemented. Examples:

Fixed ladders, catwalks and platforms.
Barandillas para cubiertas, ( barandillas contrapesadas, con fijación al suelo o pared, o barandillas para fijar en suelos de chapa)
Perfiles antideslizantes.
Security sluice doors.
Redes anticaídas.
Permanent protection nets.
Líneas de vida (consideradas cómo EPIS)

  • A rescue plan must always be developed, with the appropriate equipment, and workers must be properly informed, educated and trained.

Basic reference guides on working at heights

Some reference procedures are needed to ensure the safety of workers and compliance with regulations on working at heights:

Work Procedures / Regulatory Documentation: Keep a record of all preventive measures guidelines and ensure that all personnel are aware of them.
Regular inspections: Check equipment and facilities regularly to detect and prevent finding safety problems and fix them!
Safety Culture: A culture where all employees feel a responsibility to protect themselves and all colleagues in the workplace.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)It is essential to have good personal protective equipment and to ensure that workers use it correctly.

By using these methods and knowing the regulations for working at heights, your company will be better equipped to protect employees and ensure a safe workplace.

At Safeway360 we have the best and most innovative solutions for permanent collective protection and to guarantee the safety of your workers.
Contact us and we will advise you.



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